Culture exists in any setting, where there is a group of people that have commonality. The more commonality across the pillars, the more these people will be a part of belonging to their joint culture as a group. Culture can be positive or negative. It can be intentional or unintentional. This reflection activity provides the opportunity to reflect on what each Culture Pillar could look like when there is a problem with a 'culture' of bullying.
Reflect on each of the 7 Culture Pillars and note down your answer to the questions below. Don't worry if you can't think of anything for some, the learning outcome for the activity is to enable thinking about the issue of workplace bullying from a broader lens than just an individual's behaviour.
What norms might be present when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying?
Keeping to ourselves as a team and not speaking up.
What underlying belief might be operating when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying?
A belief by employees that there may be repercussions if they speak up about concerns.
Leaders may have a belief that they must look successful at all costs.
What unintentional/covert values might be present when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying?
Power and control.
What symbolism might be present when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying? Think about the tangible things you may see.
Office doors shut.
What role do technologies play in contributing to a team or organisation's problem with workplace bullying?
Communication systems can be used to normalise bullying behaviour. A lack of a communication system can also enable covert tension points (refer lesson 1).
What common language might be present when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying?
Minimising language and presence of put downs as a norm.
Finally, can you think of engrained traditions present when a team or organisation has a problem with workplace bullying?
Celebration of achievements based on role hierarchy.
Congratulations, you have completed session 2 and are half way to completing this Micro Course!