reason 4 year olds where so successful in the experiment research covered in Session 1 is because at age 4, brain function has
not yet formed around social positioning or 'status management.'
4 year olds DO NOT ask themselves...
‘Is this a valid contribution?
What will they think of me?
How does this fit in with what has already been
considered, the plan?
These thoughts do not exist in a four year old's mind, but they certainly did exist in those low performing business students!
So let’s begin our journey to explore what is happening in the adult brain that hinders us from
out-performing 4 year olds.
The Survival Brain is also known as the Old Brain or 'Crocodile Brain'.
From here onwards we will call it the 'CROC Brain' for short as it is a fun and helpful concept to actively integrate into our everyday thinking and language (e.g 'I think my CROC Brain was engaged in that situation').
The CROC Brain is responsible for the initial filtering of
all incoming messages.
It generates most survival
fight-or-flight responses.
When it comes to decision making, the CROC Brain’s reasoning power is… primitive. It is focused on ensuring one thing: Survival.
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