Others did not!
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Systems that are closed feature minimal and fragmented authentic and functional interaction/communication. Sub systems in organisations can be closed to all or parts of the system surrounding them.
The reasons for systems closing, are the same as the reasons for ‘closing off’ at an individual interaction level. When we don’t see eye to eye, are upset or feel unappreciated, lack trust, for example, we can create ‘a wall’ to protect ourselves from whomever or whatever, is causing us to feel this way.
There are teams and services that are achieving at a high level in their goals within their sub-system but are not aligned at the greater organisational/system level. Regardless, resourcing and outcome potential will always be stifled by a closed system.
will be wasted on the tension points existing that feed the dynamic of keeping
the system closed. Innovation, creativity and wellbeing will be impacted.
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